Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Future Sound Of London

Ever heard of 'The Future Sound Of London' or 'FSOL' as they are called in the shortform? No? You haven't? Well, basically, FSOL is an electro-music ambiance-trance-dance band, formed in the U.K, naturally.
FSOL are pretty much everything you would never think of . Their range of music spans wide .... so wide in fact, every single album sounds different. And that's why I like 'em so much. The Future Sound Of London are not content to rest on the laurels of the music of the month...the music of the year... the music of the decade.... They are timeless and original, with no style of their own.
In fact, this whole slab of information I just served up, kinda backs up the reason why they also adopted the nick-name, 'Amorphous Androgynous'. No idea what those two very fascinating and deeeeeeeeep words mean? I do. Amorphous refers to any object with no firmly defined solidarity. For example, I'm sure you've heard of the oddities of custard, and its ability to have the properties of a solid and a liquid at the same time? Custard is 'Amorphous'.
Androgynous, a slightly more..... 'used' word , means something with no gender. Like toast. Yes.
And so, you''l see how very cleverly and wisely the name 'Amorphous Androgynous' was picked out.

Across the last 10 years or so, FSOL has increased dramatically in popularity, and their most famous musical work can be found on a few quite famous video games for the Sony PlayStation: 'Wipeout 2097' , or 'Wipeout XL' as it is called in the good ole' US of A features 3 tracks by the band . These are the very famous 'Herd Killing' , 'We Have Explosive' and 'Landmass'.
In 'Wipeout Fusion' for the PlayStation 2 , a remix of the equally famous 'Papua New Guinea' is found.

The point is, The Future Sound Of London is a unique band like... well, not many others. They attend to people's needs for change and differentiation. Back to my original question, 'Ever heard of 'The Future Sound Of London' ? ' , if your answer was yes, welcome to the FSOL fanclub, my friend. The fact that there aren't many of us kinda goes with the reason why FSOL unoficially fizzled out and disbanded recently. The Future Sound Of london's goals to get people to recognise things outside of the norm never fully kicked off, and failed. Only a few hundred thousand people actually understood FSOL before they disbanded. Me, for example. Most people who like FSOL didn't actually understand the goals of the very band music they were listening to!
Still, FSOL's productions remain timeless, and omnipresent, meaning they will never fade. Music for future people!

"Alright... let's see what we can see. Everybody online? Lookin' good!"

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Death Note- The Manga!

Lately, I've been reading a fairly new(to the U.K) manga release, called DeathNote. Basically, if you've never heard of it, it's about this teenage boy called Light, who finds a shinigami death spirit's notebook, which is used to kill people.
Yeah, it's not very.... nice, I suppose, but the manga makes great reading. It's a very good idea, I think, and the artist is clearly very talented. Anyway, the whole process of the story goes something like, Light becomes attached to this shinigami's notebook, and thinks he can make the world, and peoples lives, better, by killing all the worlds' criminals.
Now, how this works, is, Light has to picture the persons face who he wants to..... shall we say, uhh... eliminate. Then, he must write down the name of the person he wants dead in the notebook, and the time and date of death. As long as the time and date of death are plausible, the death will be carried out. The user of the notebook, or obviously, in this case, Light, can actually specify how the victim dies, also!
I mean, it's sick, but i tell ya, it's personally, one of my favourite japanese comics second only to Naruto, really.
By the way, y'know, I would offer you some kind of a website or something, or.... something to do with where you can get more information on DeathNote and other manga, but, really, uuhhh... y'know, I don't know any websites to do with that kind of thing really, and so. Yeah. Darn, I sure do hope you'll forgive me, pals!. I couldn't live knowing that I'd let you down and blah... blah..blah...
But seriously, ummmm, yeah, y'know, death note is really a classy little manga series, but i can't find damn number 4!!! It's number 4! Why can't I find issue 4 ????!!!!
InfiniteZero out, once again.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The noticeable notice!

If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is a waste of a notice and you will probably never notice a waste of a notice ever again, thanks to the unnoticeable hypnosis of the notice. Thank you for noticing this notice.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

THE ENGLAND HEATWAVE!!!! (not available anywhere else)

SOOOOOO, ppl, after a few days of sweaty, sticky, generally hot, horrible weather, i've come up with a few tips along with the help of a good friend called, "My common sense" to help you stay cool and hydrated!!

Here we go!. First, remember to drink LOTS OF FLUIDS! Even if you dont feel thirsty, in this heat, you're very likely to be dehydrated right now. Heck, as i write this, im probably dehydrated! And remember, not liking going to the toilets loads, coz it's a pain in the b hind, is no excuse to not drink fluids. If you're hot and sweaty, all the liquid is gonna be sweated out anyway!
Also, if you've been in a state of sweat for about an hour going without any salty snacks, have a pack of crisps or something, because, again, you lose up to 60% of your salt stocks through sweat! NOT good if you like to be conscious and NOT on the floor from headaches and heat exhaustion and such.
If you feel faint, drink and eat something salty. If you still feel faint....well, then..ask a doctor...not me.
Oh, and, even if it may sound stupid, believe me, this will cool you down!. Get a sponge, soak it with water. Drain most of the water away, and sponge your chest and face with the remaining water. Not only will it feel refreshing, but as it evaporates, a cool feeling will be left behind!. I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FROM ANY HEART INJURIES SUFFERED BECAUSE OF SHOCK FROM THE COLD WATER USED TO SPONGE YOURSELF DOWN. Although, i do recommend taking care if youre sponging your back!. CYA laters then my .....uhh....anyone who stumbles across my blog to read it... YEAH!!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Latest Videogame Cheats!

Welcome to my new cheats section! If there's a new cheat code or secret, you'll find it here in my hot-off-the-press cheats and tips section!

Tomb Raider Legend- PS2
The good news is, this is the complete list of cheat codes for Lara's latest-and surprisingy decent-gymnastic adventure. The bad news is, you can't just type them in.You have to unlock them by performing certain features in the game. Apart from the first and last codes, the majority of them are unlocked by completing the levels in time trial mode, unlocked after you complete the game once. The first game just requires you to complete the game and the last requires you to finish with a perfect 100% secrets and side-missions score. Yeah, i know what youre thinking. Its just toughus toenailus, though, bub!

Enter these during play .WHILST HOLDING DOWN L1!
L2,X,0,X,Triangle---Draw enemy health

Square,0,X,L2,R1,Triangle---Infinite assault rifle ammo.

X,0,X,L1,Square,Triangle---Inf. Grenades.

L1,Triangle,R1,0,L1,Square---inf.shotgun ammo.

Unlimited smg ammo--- R1,0,square,L1,square,X

Bulletproof Lara---0,triangle,L1,R1, X,0.

One shot kills--- X,R1,Triangle,R1 ,Square, L2

Get Excalibur--- Triangle,X, Triangle,Square, L2, 0

Come to think of it, that aint all of em. There is a cheat to unlock the soul reaver as a weapon.... Maybe ill uncover that in a future blog update....!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I'm Back!

Well, I'm back after a break of blogging. I just couldn't think of anything to write about really!. But, now i do have something. It's about school again. Now, mostly everybody just takes school as an everyday sorta thing, not really thinking about how some kids are treated. Y'see, i disagree with some teacher's disciplinary habits to us kids. Some "teaches" know how far to take punishments , and how far to take the whole, "I'm gonna make this kid feel bad in front of everyone" thing.
However, there are some who seem to give no monkey's uncles about just how their words could actually affect that person. What about if a kid is "told off" for something he didnt do... or did some sort of silly mistake that we all make and really got the wind taken out of him by his teacher? That's not fair on that pupil, if the teacher at hand automatically wants to make the pupil feel bad.

I'm certainly not sayin every teacher does this, but making a person look bad at one particular moment to, say, a not entirely self-confident person could wreck his confidence completely. Hey, i know!! Schools should definitely hold fair trials for telling's off! That would be so fun! You could just imaginne it. You'd have the headmaster as the judge, and the prosecutor as the guy/gal who told you off, then the kid who's been told off as the defendant. There could be a jury panel. Those would probably be a mixture of other teachers who agree with the telling off, and the kid's friends who obviously don't. However, there might be spies sent from the teachers to try and find information from the "friends of the kid" panel about the telling off incident and it would get all messy and wouldnt that be so much absolutivlistical fantastic fun??????!!!!!!! (and breath) What? Getting carried away? Nah...

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Metal Gear Solid 3 soundtrack review!

Well, i'd just like to say hi again!. This time around, im doing a music cd review of the "metal gear solid 3 "official soundtrack, coz i think game soundtracks dont get enough recognition nowadays.. In fact, they never did.
The modern day videogame soundtracks are actually usually very good music, alternative to today's standards. This particular soundtrack, i think, is awesome though. So, here's the review!

The official Metal Gear Solid 3 soundtrack is a very powerful, exciting composition of the best tracks from the popular videogame . The tracks were all produced by an orchestra with a great leader ; Mr Harry Gregson Williams. The songs themselves mix a variety of rock, jungle drums and classic heart-pumping movie moments. Sure enough, this will make a great addition to anyone's music collection, be they a fan of rock, punk, pop or any type of music.
Not only that, but the official Metal Gear Solid 3 soundtrack is a very rare collectors' item, and acts as the all elusive "special camoflage key disc" which unlocks secret camoflages in the metal gear solid 3 snake eater videogame. A very high class piece of music . You definitely don't need to be a fan of the "metal gear" series to enjoy this, but if you have played the game, it can be quite cool when you think, "hey, i remember hearing that sound effect.e.t.c..."
If you want to buy this c.d, go to: for more details!
Finally, a rundown of scores out of ten for this c.d:

>Sound quality: 9

>Musical variety: 7.5

>Value-for-money: 9

> General enjoyment: 10


Saturday, April 15, 2006

School Holidays are back!

School holidays. The time of year....make that times of year when every child who has a school education is happy. Thats what most people would probably say, but y'know, there are probably a lot of children these easter holidays , who aren't very happy at all. Think of the homeless, or the person who may have just lost the mobility of his right foot for two years! That, if i'm not mistaken, isnt a very happy easter holiday experience.
Sometimes i think holidays can be long, boring and stretched out far too much. Perhaps for more people than others, holidays are a time of sadness and sorrow. Maybe school is a preferred choice. So, can you think how painful it must be for those people in the summer holidays??!! That's like... i dunno, 6 or 7 weeks of hell! Point is, the general public's views on things can be totally different to an individual, select person/ few persons' view. That, i think, is a key thing to remember.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Yknow, after a long day's work at school, ive noticed something. A lot of people dismiss school as boring and uneventful .. and pretty much tiring. Well, if you have something to look forward to after school, for example, ooh... a trip to the cinema, then the day seems to become much better!
I found my mood was brighter than on most mondays, and my body language towards certain people who just slightly always get on my neck was better. Also, if you pretend you're on a mission to survive through the day, it's fun!. Well, yknow. Within reason.
I saw this guy once. He had a gun for his right arm. This other guy was getting into a fight with him coz he thought the gun-arm dude wasnt looking after such an expensive, shiny piece of weaponry enough. it was all dirty and all. Now, i didnt see the conclusion of the fight with my own eyes, but im pretty sure what i think happened did. Well, heck, i learned a long time ago not to mess with people who's arms have been surgically replaced with guns of death. What do you mean "off my original topic"?? lol- Zero out!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Welcome to my blog!

Well, i would personally like to welcome you to the infiniteblog!. Here, my views on all the stuff going on in the world...uhh ... that is uhh, revolving around me.... will be detailed! I'll relay out to you my hobbies, interests and videogaming and manga beliefs. I hope this will be the start of a very long-living, adventurous blog! If noone reads it, well, thats just okay, coz sooner or later you will, knowing everyone elses is filler-laden paragraphing , which i would never write. Yeah, haha..
Anyhoo, happy reading, and i hope you enjoy delving deep into the mind and thoughts of me, realising how complex i really am. Or maybe I'm just some weird kid, but there we go, we all have our different views.

p.s, dont flame me. Or else. Tee Hee!

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