Saturday, April 15, 2006

School Holidays are back!

School holidays. The time of year....make that times of year when every child who has a school education is happy. Thats what most people would probably say, but y'know, there are probably a lot of children these easter holidays , who aren't very happy at all. Think of the homeless, or the person who may have just lost the mobility of his right foot for two years! That, if i'm not mistaken, isnt a very happy easter holiday experience.
Sometimes i think holidays can be long, boring and stretched out far too much. Perhaps for more people than others, holidays are a time of sadness and sorrow. Maybe school is a preferred choice. So, can you think how painful it must be for those people in the summer holidays??!! That's like... i dunno, 6 or 7 weeks of hell! Point is, the general public's views on things can be totally different to an individual, select person/ few persons' view. That, i think, is a key thing to remember.

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